
Sunday, 27 November 2011

Advent Calendar DIY

Every year since i was small me and my dad have made advent calendar's and i thought i would share with you how we make them so you and your families and friends can try them out too.
                               Supplies Needed:
                               coloured pencils
                               lead pencil
                               2 sheets of white A4 paper
                               A stanley knife
Step 1: get your first piece of white paper and draw 24 shapes onto it (try drawing round objects, like pencil sharpeners or lego pieces etc.)
Step 2: In each shape draw a christmas themed picture. ( these wil turn out as the insides of the flaps)
   Step 3: get your second piece of paper and lay it on top of the first one, then trace around each shape

  Step 4: Draw a christmas picture on your second sheet of paper. (this will be the front of the calendar)
                                   Step 5: Then number each of the squares.
Step 6: Using the stanley knife cut around three sides of each shape. (place something hard like a board underneath so you don't cut the table)
 Step 7: stick both sheets together with some tape, make sure that the sheets are inline.
                                            YOUR ADVENT CALENDAR IS READY!
i hope you liked it and try it out, they are nice to give to friends and family or if you want keep them, and open them yourselves. A x

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Feeling Arty? GET CREATIVE!

Didn't feel to well today so i spent the day being arty :) heres how i made my friends birthday present, if you like it, give it a go and send in your picture!

Firstly, cut out a shape from cardboard and find an old newspaper to rip up. When you've ripped it up start to scrunch up into little balls.

Then tape the newspaper onto the cardboard until its covered.

When this is done start to paper mache with more newspaper over the top. ( you make the mache by mixing water, flour and (optional) PVA glue.

When your done, start on the other side. (This picture is before and after both sides are done..)

Its best to leave them to dry for a while, but if you don't have time thats fine too. Whenever you are ready start to mache plain white or brown paper which is slightly thicker than the newspaper over the top so that it will be easy to paint onto and the paint will show up better.

Then paint the shape in whatever colour you want...

And decorate! E x

Friday, 25 November 2011

Rainbow Cupcakes!

we decided to try out this amazing recipe which we found on (this is one of our favourite blogs)

 We didn't expect the colours to turn out so bright but we where so exited when we took them out the oven and saw that the colours hadn't all gone into each other.

 They where super easy to make and turned out really well, we hope you like them and maybe try them out your selves. E & A x